Across Borders - advertising prospectus

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Media Kit - Across Borders.pdf

"Across Borders" is a  leading trade journal produced by Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) and is published twice a year. 




We will do a print run of 1500 hard copy magazines which will be delivered to regional and head offices of FTA , Australian Peak Shippers Association (APSA) and Women in Shipping & Trading Association (WISTA) members – refer to our directory at


NOTE: FTA and APSA members will receive at each regional office a copy of the Across Borders magazine - please notify any change of address or contact details to Caroline Zalai.


We will also disseminate this edition electronically to 3000 + on our database.


The split of recipients is approximately:


  • 60% logistics providers (including freight forwarders, customs brokers)

  • 35% major importers / exporters

  • 5% other (stevedores, ports, government etc)


Please note that we are also looking to push this out through "multipliers" such as partner industry associations etc – this will give increased reach and will probably change the above percentages to swing more towards a higher ratio of importers and exporters.




Attached is an advertising card with prime advertising opportunities offered on a "first-in" basis.

For further detail please contact:

Paul Zalai –