FTA / APSA Weekly Report 2022/20 - sponsored by IMPEXDOCS

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

THE LOADSTAR - Unreasonable fees' send Australian shippers into multi-billion dollar frenzy
"We are operating in incredibly difficult times and adding salt to the wounds is this container detention charging regime – a massive blow for Australian commerce and a windfall for foreign-owned shipping lines, contributing to their multi-billion dollar annual profits." 
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AUSTRALIAN FINANCIAL REVIEW - Joyce to boost Australian merchant 'navy'
Paul Zalai, Director of the Freight & Trade Alliance, said the move would enable training of a domestic workforce, and pointed to a pending Productivity Commission review into maritime logistics due later this month.

"Additional freight capacity and true competition is essential to meet our supply chain needs," he said.

"We don't normally advocate for increased regulation. However, in a marketplace whereby Australian trade is 100 per cent dependent, and at the mercy of foreign-owned shipping lines, and without genuine competitive tension, we need some form of protection from unwarranted practices."

"The Productivity Commission has a critical role to play, and we await their views with great interest."

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SKY NEWS (Business Weekend) - Container Detention & Terminal Access Charges
A tremendous opportunity today to explain the reality of $1B in container detention and terminal access costs adding to inflationary pressures - interview starts at 22:28 and concludes 24.58
 View Here 
Women In Logistics Sundowner Networking Function
A collaboration between Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA), Wondering Women & Next Leap Training Solutions - last Friday the room was buzzing with 121 ladies and gentlemen from all sectors of the supply chain including shipping lines, stevedores, customs brokers, freight forwarders, transport operators, importers and software providers.  The positive theme of the night was "Buidling Community". The night was timely for everyone to  connect, share insights and relax.

Sam Askin, CEO, 1-Stop Connections provided an insightful keynote address on the importance of a flexible workplace. Organisations benefit from a better work life balance by bringing the "human" element into the work environment, creating greater work outcomes and job satisfaction. The important role companies play in providing opportunity for future female leaders to thrive and learn as also discussed. This is paramount in increasing female representation in senior management roles - "raising the ceiling and lifting the floor?. 

The last couple of years have been extremely challenging for all sectors of the supply chain. Many factors such as increased costs, decreased shipping and airfreight capacity, an increase in volumes due to high demand for goods using disposable income that was previously spent on entertainment and travel, have added to the pressure on the supply chain.
This has made it difficult sometimes to meet clients' expectations and has created a challenging work environment for all. Added to this was the personal pressures of isolation, home schooling and working from home, creating a stressful juggling act for all, particularly women.
Building a community also extends beyond our logistics space and all profits went to Waves of Wellness Foundation to support mental health programs and Bayside Women's Shelter. Just under $10,000 was raised. FTA decided to match this amount so we were delighted to have raised $20K in total.
Waves of Wellness will be able to undertake 2 x 8 week mental health programs for 12 people. Joel Pilgrim, founder explained that the knock-on effect will reach many families and the wider community for years to come. Bayside Women's Shelter will use the funds to provide a Counsellor for 10 weeks for all those that are at the shelter. Sallianne Faulkner, General Manager said "The guiding principles for our work are 'built on trust', 'supported with kindness' and 'empowered with dignity'- the amazing generosity of your community allows us to build on this work, thank you so much"

A special note of appreciation to event sponsors 1-Stop, ACFS, Maersk, Logixboard, Insync Recruitment Group, DP World and Novotel Sydney Brighton Beach.
FTA presents at 1st Instalment of Signature Series 2022 events
Many thanks to Robert Di Carlo from Westpac for the invitation to Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) to speak at their 1st Signature Series event for 2022 that covered International Trade Matters - it was a great audience, over 130 people, from all over Australia who tuned in to hear from Besa Deda from Westpac and John Park from FTA - the panel of Besa, John, Darryl Daisley from Pitcher Partners and Aleks Henderson from Export Finance Australia also addressed some of the attendees questions - again thank you for the opportunity Robert Di Carlo
Logixboard in Australia - Melbourne and Sydney
Logixboard founders Julian and Juan Alvareaz arrived from the USA and met with members in Melbourne and Sydney last week (including sponsorship of the Women in Logistics event) 
Sal Milici (Head of Border and Biosecurity - FTA/APSA) shares his insights on the software with Import Export TV's Ruza Zivkusic  View Here 
APSA CONFERENCE - join your peers in Regional NSW
Join leading exporters, importers, regional producers, logistics providers, port and government officials on 30 and 31 August 2022  - Wagga Wagga, NSW..
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Australian Federal Police, Detective Inspector Julian Bianco (operational lead for the Centenial Taskforce in Victoria) will join Australian Border Force Actg Superintendents Allister Keel & Jack McGrath from the Jardena Taskforce at this weeks Melbourne CPD.
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CPD - Border Compliance Program
Australian Trusted Trader - advanced border clearance functions
Customs Clearance Practices - FTA's Susan Danks 
Import requirements - Australian Radiation Protection & Nuclear Safety Agency 
Operation Jardena - criminal infiltration in supply chains
Competition Compliance - Russell Wiese, CGT Law
Compliance at Regulated facilities - Andrew Christie Consulting
Biosecurity - dedicated interactive session focused on policy and operational reform - chaired by FTA's Sal Milici (Syd / Mel) and Paul Zalai (Bne / Perth)
MELBOURNE - Friday 20 May 2022
 Register Here    Program 
MELBOURNE  - Saturday 21 May 2022
 Register Here    Program  
BRISBANE - Wed 15 June 2022 (early bird available)
 Register Here    Program 
PERTH - Saturday 25 June 2022 (early bird available)
 Register Here    Program 
2022-23 Continued Biosecurity Competency (CBC)
FTA options for  the CBC schedule for the period 1 April 2022 - 31 March 2023 now available
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Retired Customs Brokers Luncheon

Mark the Date:  22 September 2022  
Venue: Harbour View Hotel at The Rocks, Sydney

More details re booking to come 

13.5.2022 : NZ Customs Release Issue 658 ... login required
12.5.2022 :  AFP & ABF Combatting Victorian Freight Organised Crime ... read more
11.5.2022 : ABF - TC Gazette 22-16 ...  read more
10.5.2022 : AFP - Third man jailed over multi-million dollar cocaine import ... read more
Voluntary Performance Monitoring Framework – Quarter 1, January to March 2022 Report -  Read More 

Australian Sea Cargo Operational Highlights

Cost Variations -  MSC 
Equipment & Capacity Update -  (Australia, NZ, Asia, Europe) 
Port Omissions - Port Rotations (China Port Operations, Terminal Operations)
Australian Port Terminals Update - courtesy Maersk, Patrick Terminals & WWL 
Global Perspective (Commentaries - World Container Index)

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International shipping line notifications
FTA / APSA have compiled a consolidated list of shipping line notifications from 10th to 16th May 2022

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10.5.2022 : Qantas Freight - New Australian IRBs now online ... login required

They are from the Government and they are here to help ....

Many thanks to Andrew Harris, Resilience and Critical Infrastructure and Tristan Anderson, Transport and Infrastructure Strategy - GHD Advisory for their article in the latest edition of Across Borders         

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Contact John Park to feature your organisation or service in an upcoming edition - prospectus HERE
Connecting the Biosecurity Dots

Day 2 of the recent Biosecurity Symposium focused on connecting the dots between broader national activities that enhance and strengthen the Australian biosecurity system and mainstreaming biosecurity to the general public. -  Read More
16.5.2022 : DAWE - 79-2022: Notification of planned emergency measures to manage Xylella fastidiosa within select nut species imported as seed for sowing... read more
16.5.2022 : DAWE - Import Industry Advice Notice 78/2022 Scheduled Outage: Saturday 21 May to Sunday 22 May 2022 – COLS, MARS ... read more
16.5.2022 : DAWE - Import Industry Advice Notice 77/2022 Services Restored: Sunday 15 May 2022 – Numbered points in BICON import permits ... read more

16.5.2022 : DAWE - Plant Export Industry Advice Notice IAN 2022-31 ... read more
16.5.2022 : DAWE - 76-2022: AEPCOMM expansion of Fertiliser ... read more
13.5.2022 : DAWE - Plant Export Industry Advice Notice  ... read more
13.5. MAY 2022 : DAWE - Plant Export Industry Advice Notice ... read more
12.5.2022 : DAWE - 75-2022: Variation of Import Permits for Mushrooms for propagation ... read more
11.5.2022 : Measures to prevent the introduction of foot and mouth disease into Australia ... read more
11.5.2022 : DAWE - Import Industry Advice Notice 74/2022 Measures to prevent the introduction of foot and mouth disease into Australia ... read more
10.5.2022 : DAWE - 2022-14: Indonesia: Dairy – Import recommendation ... read more
10.5.2022 : DAWE - Recommencement of Live Animal Exports general enquiries phone line ... read more
10.5.2022 : DAWE - Plant Export Industry Advice Notice ... read more
Trade Data - 10th to 16th May 2022 
National ports, the Australian Bureau of statistics and data from other sources 
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13.5.2022 : DFAT - Business Envoy May 2022 - Niche markets for Australian business ... read more
13.5.2022 : ATIC - Agribusiness and Food News ... read more
Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources

Anti-Dumping Notices 10th to 16th May 2022

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Stay at the cutting edge through participation in live webinars and access to recordings – all are FREE & EXCLUSIVE to Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) and the Australian Peak Shippers Association (APSA) members.    Login Required 
Finance Report

Daily Market Commentary and Calendar
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Collinson & Co App
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Candidate of the Week
Sydney - Senior Operations / Supervisor
Finance Report

Weekly Market Commentary and Calendar
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Collinson & Co App
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Candidate of the Week
Melbourne - Operations Supervisor
FTA and APSA are proud to connect members with the following sponsors as leading suppliers of services to the freight and trade sectors.

2022 sponsorship prospectus is available HERE


Copyright © 2022 Australian Peak Shippers Association (APSA) / Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA), All rights reserved

Our contact is 02 9975 1878 info@FTAliance.com.au