Freight & Trade Alliance partners with consortia providing RATs to the international trade supply chain

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

MEDIA RELEASE - FTA Protective Health consortia.pdf

In response to an extraordinary demand by supply chain participants following the Omicron outbreak, Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) has partnered with Protective Health, a leading provider of medical supplies, as a part of a consortia to provide members with access to Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) approved Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs).

Urgent action was needed in response to the recent state and federal government re-assessment on testing regimesOnce PCR testing was no longer a sustainable option, FTA engaged leading business consultants, BDO Australia, to find a large volume, reputable provider of RAT kits solution for members to maximise the safety of staff and allow continuity of sustainable business operations.

Protective Health was identified as an ideal partner with a proven track record as a leading large-scale supplier of quality medical supplies since the first peak of COVID-19. Located at Port Botany, HubX was selected as the warehouse and logistics provider to manage the projected large scale import volumes. 

In terms of the product, the TGA approved the Clungene Covid-19 Antigen Rapid Test on 7 January 2022 with a very high sensitivity and specificity rating for use by companies and individuals for self-testing purposes. Furthermore, the Protective Health products undergo independent quality testing to the highest standards by various global authorities to ensure they are compliant in all of the regions they serve.

Further detail and links to consortia participants' web sites are available in the FTA Media Release - refer HERE 


Based on projected demand, we have been able to negotiate a competitive rate for FTA and Australian Peak Shippers Association (APSA) members of $6.99 per test (boxes of 5 equating to $34.95 excl GST).

In order to streamline handling and distribution processes, the above offer is available to businesses purchasing a minimum of one carton containing 240 boxes (1200 tests).


Collection directly from HubX at Port Botany, will be free of charge.

Distribution is available to the Sydney metropolitan area and interstate locations at competitive commercial rates. 

Bearing in mind disruption to international supply chains and the upcoming Chinese New Year period, a conservative delivery service standard has been established (estimated 14 days from time of order).

With further international supply arriving this week, it is anticipated that delivery will be well within this timeframe and will further improve as stock and supply chain processes are refined.

FTA continues to provide leading advocacy, operational support and business solutions for our members.

Paul Zalai - Director FTA | Secretariat APSA | Director GSF