NSW - Rapid Antigen Testing

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Yesterday we were made aware that the link to the NSW Government webpage about rapid antigen testing did not work. We apologise for the inconvenience.  

Please visit Rapid antigen testing | NSW Government to access this information. 

From 12.01am on Monday 30 August an Authorised Worker must not leave their Area of Concern for work unless they:

·         have had at least 1 dose of COVID-19 vaccine; or

·         have been issued with a medical contraindication certificate.

An Authorised Worker must carry evidence of the vaccine or medical certificate and produce that to the following if requested:

·         Worker's employer

·         Occupier of the place of work

·         Police officer

·         Other Authorised Officer (i.e. safe work inspector).

If a person is tested under a rapid antigen testing program in accordance with a system approved by the Chief Health Officer, they do not need to have the vaccine and are not required to produce any evidence to their employer of vaccination status.

Authorised Workers from local government Areas of Concern are eligible for priority vaccination programs. To book an appointment visit the NSW Government website.

Thank you for your continued work to ensure freight can move safely during this time.


Susie Harwood
Executive Director Freight
Customer Strategy and Technology
Transport for NSW