DAWE - 2021-22 Agricultural Export Cost Recovery Implementation Statements

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

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It is Government policy to recover the full cost of delivering export regulatory services. Under the Australian Government Charging Framework, we must regularly document changes to regulatory charging activities through a Cost Recovery Implementation Statement (CRIS).

You can now read the proposed 2021-22 CRIS for each agricultural export cost recovery arrangement.

Budget impacts

Each 2021-22 CRIS proposes updated prices for 2021–22 to 2024–25. The CRIS describes the stepped annual increases in prices and charges over time from 1 July 2021 to full cost recovery in 2023–24. Stepped fee increases are supported by the appropriation provided under the More Efficient and Sustainable Export Regulation measure from the 2020–21 Budget Busting Congestion for Agricultural Exporters package.

The government has committed $71.1 million to improve the financial sustainability of export certification services by returning to full cost recovery for these services over time. A stepped return to full recovery will enable reforms to be rolled out while maintaining existing systems and minimising the impact on industry.

Provide your feedback online

We would like feedback from you on the proposed 2021–22 CRIS relevant to your industry.

We would like your feedback on the proposed updates in the CRIS relevant to your industry, including how you envisage your business/industry being affected by the proposed changes.

In addition to the proposed CRIS, we have provided a discussion paper for the dairy, fish and egg, grain and horticulture export arrangements. The discussion papers outline an alternative pricing structure, which we have been consulting on since 2019.

We also seek your advice on the impacts of the alternative structure outlined in the discussion papers compared to the charges described in the 2021–22 CRIS, and whether one structure is preferred over the other.

Please note that for live animal exports and meat exports the proposed 2021–22 CRIS already proposes a revised charging arrangement for you to consider.

For Non-Prescribed Goods, industry were consulted on a new fee and charge structure in 2019 and 2020. Based on stakeholder feedback and possible reforms to NPG regulatory activities over the next few years, further structural changes have not been proposed in the 2021–22 CRIS. As we engage with industry and exporters on these reforms, we will also consult on potential changes to fees and charges that will better support the changing regulatory services.

You can use our online form to:

  • provide feedback on the proposed 2021–22 CRIS and/or discussion paper relevant to your industry, by undertaking the survey
  • upload a submission if you have anything to add to your survey response.

Consultation and information sessions

We will also be arranging virtual information sessions for each export arrangement. This will be advised soon.

These sessions will outline the proposed cost structures, explain the impact of the government's investment under the Busting Congestion package, and provide further opportunities for you to give feedback on these changes and suggest alternatives.

You may also be interested in having a look at our FAQs for further information on the CRIS consultation(External link).

  • Thank you for your interest in providing feedback on the proposed 2021–22 Cost Recovery Implementation Statement (CRIS). Please provide your responses using this survey form.

    Take Survey