CTAA - Sydney Empty Container Issues - Road Transport Survey

Monday, May 10, 2021

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Sydney Empty Container Issues - Road Transport Survey

CTAA continues to work closely with the NSW Government, NSW Ports, shipping lines, forwarders, shippers, empty park operators and transport operators to address short and longer term empty container management issues in Sydney.

As reported 
previously, CTAA has encouraged Transport for NSW to continue to facilitate these voluntary industry discussions and initiatives through the NSW Empty Container Working Group (ECWG) (a sub-group of the NSW Ports Transport & Logistics Taskforce (PTLT).

Transport for NSW has issued an Update on the work conducted by the NSW Empty Container Working Group to date - Read the Update: 

Importantly during the import surge from mid last year, the ECWG has assisted in maintaining good dialogue between shipping lines and landside stakeholders to encourage empty container evacuations to alleviate significant empty container storage and handling congestion in Sydney.

As outlined in the Update, the Port Botany "Load / Discharge Ratio" - a ratio of the total number of imported containers (full & empty) into Port Botany measured against the total number of exported containers (full & empty) - has been much healthier since December last year, helping to alleviate empty container storage congestion in Sydney.

The ECWG has set performance targets for the next six months, including continuing to encourage shipping lines to provide full Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) to empty container parks (ECPs) on import container de-hire destinations, and better utilisation of capacity at existing ECPs and Direct Return (DRE) operations to container terminals.

Future goals also include supporting initiatives to improve the velocity of truck servicing at ECPs (truck turnaround times) and encouraging greater off-peak ECP truck arrival slot utilisation.

Road Transport Operator Survey:

To assist all stakeholders to work towards the ECWG's goals, a Road Transport Operator Survey has been developed.  
CTAA strongly encourages all Container Transport Operators in Sydney to complete the Survey!!

It seeks your views, opinions and perceptions on key issues impacting on the efficiency and productivity of the empty container logistics chain in NSW.

The Survey can be completed anonymously and only aggregated responses will be published.  

Have your voice heard and help the ECWG to formulate initiatives that will improve empty container management in NSW!

The Survey will take approx. 20 minutes to complete and is open for responses 
until 17 May 2021.
Complete the Survey: Here
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