Ports Industry Roundtable - Update 25 February 2021

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) and Australian Peaks Shippers Association (APSA) representatives attended the Ports Industry Roundtable and received the following summary from the Minister:

Thank you for attending the Ports Industry Roundtable today.  I convened the Roundtable to discuss the year in review and update you on a number of key priority initiatives.
 for attending the Ports Industry Roundtable today.  I convened the Roundtable to discuss the year in review and update you on a number of key priority initiatives.

The past 12 months will be remembered for coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic impacts across the economy, and specific impacts on the ports and freight sector that have also underlined the critical role your organisations undertake to support our supply chains and logistics.

I was pleased to outline the Victorian Government's response for the whole of Victorian economy and ports and freight portfolio specifically. Of course, there was a lot under way in the sector pre-pandemic and I was also pleased to offer an update progress on key initiatives.

Today you heard from Mark Curry and his recommendations to government as part of the Independent Review of the Victorian Ports System - a comprehensive review set to cut red tape, boost safety, and improve the way the vital industry operates.

This review is the first holistic review in almost 20 years for an industry that has gone through significant change, including the introduction of a third stevedore in 2015 and leasing of the Port of Melbourne in 2016.

Today I was pleased to announce the interim results of the review and importantly, the formation of Ports Victoria.

Ports Victoria will bring together Victorian Regional Channels Authority and the Victorian Ports Corporation (Melbourne) to lead the strategic management of commercial ports and waterways.

The new organisation will be headquartered in Geelong recognising the city's important role in Victoria's ports system. Ports Victoria will commence on 1 July this year.

The formation of Ports Victoria which will ensure our ports operate in a safe, smart, efficient way and deliver on the Victorian Government's commitment to improve our ports and freight sector and support our growing economy. 

This is a large and complex change and critically important to recognise the skills and expertise of the Victorian Regional Channels Authority and the Victorian Ports Corporation (Melbourne) workforce being central to the creation of Ports Victoria. 

We will be working with all stakeholders to ensure a smooth transition. The support and encouragement of stakeholders like yourselves will be important in the weeks and months ahead.

Today was also an opportunity to hear directly from Brendan Bourke, Chief Executive of the Port of Melbourne on their 30-year Port Development Strategy 2050, a roadmap for the future development of the Port and plans for the growth of the Port. 

We were also able to hear about the progress for the Port of Melbourne's $125 million Port Rail Transformation Project that will deliver efficient on-dock rail to Swanson Dock East and reduce operating costs for near dock terminals at Victoria Harbour and Appleton Dock.

The Port Rail Transformation Project is a key component of our plans for a rail freight network to the port, including the Port Rail Shuttle Network initiative, the intermodal terminals at Truganina and Beveridge, signal automation at the Port of Geelong and investments in the regional rail freight network.

We are making good progress in delivering Victoria's Freight Plan, as well as putting in place our future strategy for the Victorian Ports sector.

Attached to this email is the media release from today's announcements and a summary of the Government's initial response to the Independent Review of the Victorian Ports System.

I was very pleased to see representatives from industry, departments, peak bodies, universities and research bodies, ports, stevedores, intermodal operators, shippers, importers and exporters and the trade unions in attendance at today's roundtable. 

Thanks again for your engagement in 2020 and the start of this year. 

I look forward to continuing working with you and delivering positive outcomes for the ports, freight, and logistics sector. 
Your sincerely 

Hon Melissa Horne MP
Minister for Ports and Freight