CTAA - Patrick Terminals’ Landside Fee Increases - 1 March 2021

Thursday, February 4, 2021

On 29 January, Patrick Terminals unilaterally announced annual increases to its landside terminal fees & charges for implementation from 1 March 2021.

The proposed new charges can be downloaded from the Patrick website at: https://patrick.com.au/customer-info/  

Container transport operators across Australia are stridently opposed to these unfettered and unilateral fee increases. 
However, the "standard form" terminal access terms and conditions imposed by Patrick (and other stevedore companies) on a "take it or leave it" basis mean that non payment of any aspect of the Terminal's fee tariff would see transport operators denied terminal access.
Nevertheless, CTAA Alliance companies are seeking to consult with Patrick as landside "customers" of the terminals.  No justification or evidence has been been given for many of the fee increases, which is extremely worrying for landside stakeholders.

Concerns regarding the fee increases, and new fees such as a Long Vehicle Fee for higher productivity freight vehicle access in Patrick's Sydney and Brisbane Terminals, are outlined in the CTAA Notice to Industry which can be downloaded below:
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