Containerchain outage

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) and the Australian Peak Shippers Association (APSA) have received advice from Containerchain that their system has been down since around midnight (ADST) Friday, 16 October 2020 and have provided the following commentary:

"We  swiftly detected a ransomware cyberattack shortly before midnight and immediately implemented our emergency response procedures, while isolating the relevant platform servers.

Given the regular 15-minute backups and time of night, we anticipate no or very limited data loss upon recovery.

We are working to return the system to customer production as quickly as possible and expect access to be restored no later than start of business Monday morning.

We trust that shipping lines, seaport terminal operators and road transporters enact immediate contingency arrangements and that leniency is provided in terms of late container dehire events as a direct result of this incident.

We will continue to keep you updated on key progress.

Thank you for your understanding and patience."
Paul Zalai - Director FTA / Secretariat APSA