Container fumigation services - Melbourne

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) has received fthe below customer notice from L. Arthur Quarantine depot

L. Arthur Quarantine depot is as of - tomorrow morning the 24th January - unable to accept - fumigation containers - until further notice.


If you currently have a fumigation direction for L. Arthur - you are advised to have it changed / directed to another depot.


Containers for Unpack / inspects and Rural tailgate are not affected and will be dealt with on arrival.


We regret having to make this decision but have had delays throughout the Quarantine processes beyond our control that are affecting turnaround times both within the depot and of container being dealt with.


I will update you when we reach a point at which we are confident we can provide the service that you are accustomed to.


L. Arthur cartage clients are not affected by the above notice.

FTA has received a notice from the Container Transport Alliance Australia (CTAA) advising alternate service providers - refer HERE

Arrow Transport Logistics and Quarantine Services:

  • Fumigation capacity - running 7 days a week

  • Ability to receive after-hours direct from wharf

  • Rural tailgate inspection facility as well

Contact: Vivien Latu - phone: 03  9931 7920 / email:


Melbourne Freight Station (Butler Freight Services):

  • Receiving containers from 6am to 3pm for same day or next day fumigations

  • Fumigators permanently on site, speeding up turnaround times 

Email: for further information and contact points within their customer service team.


Chalmers Industries:

  • DAWR accredited fumigation contractors

  • Qualified staff co-ordinate with biosecurity officers to inspect, treat and clear cargo in the shortest time frame possible

Contact: Ronna - ph: 03 9316 2097; email:


Paul Zalai - FTA / APSA