APL have confirmed that the IT issues and 1 stop PIN technical issues that were the cause of last week's events have now been resolved.
They are now seeing a decline in telephone queues and are working through the backlog.
However, we have had reports this morning of continuing issues with PINs needing to be re-triggered, with the threat of missed slots and further penalties, and APL have been addressing those escalations. APL are assisting with re-triggering any earlier ones that were unsuccessful. If there are any still pending please send them to Kavineet Tiwana at kavineet.tiwana@apl.com and copy me directly at tbrooks-garrett@ftalliance.com.au.
Regarding storage costs accrued due to APL errors/delays, please consolidate these with the relevant invoice/shipment details and send to APL.
Further updates will be posted at www.ftaliance.com.au
Travis Brook-Garrett – FTA / APSA