NSW Draft Freight and Ports Plan

Friday, December 8, 2017

A new freight and ports vision for NSW


We are pleased to announce that the NSW Draft Freight and Ports Plan has been released.


The Draft Plan reflects the preliminary ideas provided by more than 500 industry and local government stakeholders and is the basis for our next, more detailed round of consultation. 


The Plan identifies our priorities to deliver a better transport system to manage the important – and growing – freight task. These include investment initiatives and investigations for both Greater Sydney and Regional NSW, better and less regulation, and the introduction of new technologies.


The final outcomes will be designed to ensure our supply chains can compete nationally and internationally and operate efficiently, meeting ever-increasing demand, with the necessary infrastructure, policies and programs in place to support productivity improvements and the safe movement of goods, supporting our primary industry markets, farmers and communities.


The final NSW Freight and Ports Plan will be a key supporting plan for Future Transport 2056, the new transport vision for NSW. It is expected to be finalised in mid-2018.




Attached to this email is the media release.  The Draft Plan itself is available at the website future.transport.nsw.gov.au


We are eager to receive your feedback on the Draft Plan.  Our consultation period closes on 25 March 2018 and we will be engaging with you in the form of briefings, webinars and face-to-face meetings.  Submissions can be lodged through the Future Transport submissions portal.


Now is the time for you, our industry partners and stakeholders to influence the final Plan.  We look forward to working with you as we shape the vision for our freight and ports industry.



Yours faithfully,



Damian Colclough
Executive Director   

Freight Industry

Freight, Strategy and Planning

Transport for NSW


To be visionary in creating an integrated transport system for NSW