DCN - Hutchison to hike infrastructure levy at Port Botany

Friday, November 1, 2019

SOURCE: https://www.thedcn.com.au/hutchison-to-hike-infrastructure-levy-at-port-botany/

Posted by David Sexton | 1st November, 2019 

HUTCHISON Ports Sydney has confirmed it will increase the infrastructure levy at Port Botany to $63.11 (exclusive of GST) from 18 November.

The levy is to apply to all laden or full containers received or delivered by road or rail at the terminal.

The current rate is $35.84, making the impact $27.27 per container.

 "The levy follows a review of investment in infrastructure at Port Botany and Hutchison Ports will continue to ensure sufficient capability is invested to serve the needs of the industry," the company said in a statement.

Stevedores across the country have been applying infrastructure levies since early 20017.

Freight and Trade Alliance director Paul Zalai said it was easier for a stevedore to turn up the "infrastructure surcharge money tap" rather than absorbing costs or passing these on to shipping lines.

"Why wouldn't you take advantage of an unregulated arrangement to collect money from third parties," a caustic Mr Zalai said.