BMSB Safeguarding - draft application forms

Friday, August 9, 2019

As outlined in our BMSB Executive Brief # 2, Andrew Crawford (Head of Border and Biosecurity - FTA) and I met in Canberra with executives from the Department of Agriculture and at Parliament House with advisors for the Minister for Agriculture in terms of Brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB) reforms.  

Amongst the matters raised, FTA requested that the department disseminate a notice with the draft application form and requirements so that members could undertake pre-emptive activities to prepare for the scheme once opened up beyond the current pilot. 

In response, the department has provided draft copies of the safeguarding application form, additional supply chain details form and a draft of the biosecurity/hitchhiker pest contamination guide – now available HERE (FTA / APSA MEMBER LOGIN REQUIRED) 

Paul Zalai – FTA / APSA