Lloyds List Australia - PoM CEO confident of VICT future

Friday, February 17, 2017

Source: https://www.lloydslistaustralia.com.au/lla/market-sectors/ports/PoM-CEO-confident-of-VICT-future-549932.html

Photo: David Sexton

David Sexton

PORT of Melbourne chief executive Brendan Bourke has expressed confidence in the Victoria International Container Terminal project at Webb Dock.

While still to be formally opened, VICT has been ready to handle containers for two months and recently stevedored a box ship from ANL – but that is essentially all it has handled.

Mr Bourke told the FTA Tasmanian Shippers Forum there was no cause for concern.

"When you bring on a new piece of infrastructure, given the way industry works with contracts and the like, it is all about VICT getting the next contract for the ships that are coming in," he said.

"I expect that volumes might take a little while to build but I expect industry will support it over time. From my perspective, I think it is more of a timing issue than a long-term issue."

Mr Bourke outlined some infrastructure projects being done in and around Port of Melbourne in conjunction with VicRoads, including strengthening Shepherd Bridge on Footscray Road to allow for high-productivity vehicles.

"That is related to the fact that there is a plan to close Coode Road West (the section of road that separates West Swanson Dock from West Swanson Intermodal terminal)."

Mr Bourke said he was unable to confirm when Coode Road would be closed as it was dependent upon funding from VicRoads.

The Tasmanian Shippers Forum was organised by the Freight and Trade Alliance and held at the Australian Maritime College in Launceston.